804-928-9516 MaryJazMayer@gmail.com

Explore Upcoming Classes and Events.

Get the details below! Do you enjoy learning new skills just for the joy of it? Do you love being of greater service to your clients? These Practitioner certification classes are in-depth, easy-to-master processes taught by Mary Jaz Mayer-- a facilitator who brings over 6 years of facilitation-- and a lifetime of joy and love of her students and fellow practitioners. Is NOW the time for choosing these Access certified Classes? -- Full day classes are offered in the Access Energetic Facelift and the Access Bars. Look for listings for our 3-4 hr classes that present a variety of Access body processes. Ask for a Access Taster nights that insire and empower you to be more brilliant and let your light shine! (PS-- Hey, are you a CMT? Ask about CEUs' for attending my classes.)

A Taste of Access evening: Explore 5 Tools to be your Brilliant Self & Change the world!

August 25, 2017, Richmond, VA 23227, 7:07 pm — 9 pm  $20 evening program

Let’s explore How you can Be your Brilliant self! –and how doing so can literally change the world.

Do you already know you have gifts, talents and abilities to share with the world?

Ever wonder “What’s stopping you?” Fear of failure? Fear of standing out? Fear of being seen?

Join Mary Jaz Mayer for a lively evening of dynamic tools from Access Consciousness as we take a look at what may be stopping you from being your brilliant self… and how to let go of it!  These keys allow us to recognize our more of our innate Brilliance– They allow us to make wiser and more brilliant choices instead of a pattern of blaming , shaming and feeling guilty for your past experinces. — all of these pragmatic tools you can begin to use right away! Would that be waaayy too easy?

So, Bring and friend or loved one. Bring your child-like wonder. Bring your curiosity and your willingness to consider some new possibilities.

However, Be forewarned!

— There may be laughter and joy,

…and maybe even tears

— There may be questions and clearings,

…and maybe releasing of old patterns

— There will be a demonstration of Access Bars, …the simple, light touch approach to reducing stress, worry and anxiety.

— and you may even start using these tools,

…and doing so may change other areas

of your life and living.

We wonder what might be different for all of us after this evening?

Mary is going to have fun!  …and we’d love to have you there with us!

 Register early! Get inspired. Bring a friend or two.


**Us the button below for easy payment – Please include email – so we can follow up with the location and event details  Let’s have this be easy. Reach out if you have any questions or need any support.

Access Energetic Facelift: Joy for the Body – Discover it for yourself and gift it to others!

August 27, 2017, Richmond, VA 23227, 9 am — 5 pm  $225/7-8hrs  (4 CEUs available)

Joy for the Body – Discover it for yourself and gift it to others!

What if you could get all the benefits of this dynamic process for yourself –and your body– while your are offered direct training on how to provide this nurturing process to clients and friends as a practitioner. 

Time: 9 am till 5 pm (7-8 hrs of playful instruction) 

Location: address provided with registration.

Food: Yummy and nutritional snacks provided. Bring your own lunch.

Hey CMT’s, Need CEUs?: Did you know you can earn up to 4 CEU’s from the NCBTMB for this Training? — just let me know and we’ll get you the certificate.

Payment Options: cash, check or paypal to Mary Mayer/ Invitation to Change. Ask about other options, payment plans if you desire them.

Go direct to Paypal link at Mary’s wellness website and scroll to the event you are interested in: http://maryjazmayer.com/events/

How easy can it be to Sign up now?: which makes ordering class manuals so much easier– I’ll gift you with TWO-$10 gift cards good toward sessions with me. One for you and One for a friend! Buy Early! Get 2 Gift Cards BEG2GC.

Got Questions? For questions on Access, class content,  payments and other other fun stuff…

I’m delighted to dialogue with you!

Please reach out to me directly via email and text–

Mary Mayer     804 •  928 • 9516     maryjazmayer@gmail.com

Life is Good!  How can it get even greater?

**Pay below – include email -to we’ll follow up with the location and event details OR sign up yourself at My Access profile Site. Let’s have this be easy. Reach out if you have any questions or need any support.


Select special Class Pricing Options for Adults/ Teens and Kids

THIS EVENT HAS PASSED__ Check back here for next Access Bars class coming soon–
How easy would it be to ask for one to be held for you and 3 or more of your friends/ clients? 

Access Bars™ Practitioner Certification class

August 18, 2017,  Virginia Beach, VA 23454, 9:09 am — 5:00 pm 

Mary Mayer and Michelle Mills co-facilitate this class. (Yes– it’s true. We are the Dynamic Duo of Bars at the beach!) We help you Re-discover your super powers! and we never take ourselves too seriously.) 


Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!

I wonder if taking an Access Bars class might be a gift you and your body?  It certainly was for each of us– releasing our limitations and allowing for a new space of possibilities. –and did i mention– new sense of joy and lightheartedness that could finally come forth as our natural way of operating.  For me– it was the gift of being able to laugh and allow myself to feel joy again in the wake of my husband’s death. For Michelle, taking the bars class was the start of a life changing transition to being a less judgmental, happier camper more of the time! I wonder what might be possible for you?

After this class… you might just find yourself saying things like our clients often say…… “My mind chatter is gone” …  “I feel energized!”… Or, how about, “I was able to sleep 12 full hours after weeks of no rest.”…



**Pay below – include email -to we’ll follow up with the location and event details  Reach out if you have any questions or need any support.

Access Bars Practitioner Certification Class